Heal and Manifest your best life.

7 Weeks and 5 Weeks

8 Weeks

A 8 week long course with once a week video/phone call, working with the law of attraction, energy healing techniques, and other techniques to enhance and live your best life

What it includes:

  • In-depth tarot reading at the beginning of the program.
  • Aura reading session at the beginning of your healing journey-1 nos.
  • Aura cleansing for 20 minutes- 2 nos.
  • Angelic Reiki healing for all 7 chakras for 50 minutes- 1 nos.
  • Chakra opening in case there are blocks.
  • Guidance for inner child healing, shadow work, healing self-love, self-care,self-esteem, with crystals, meditation, journaling and affirmations.
  • Shamanic journey to find your spirit animal/guide.
  • Once a week video/phone call at a pre-determined time for 60 minutes to review your healing journey.
  • In-depth tarot reading at the end of 4 weeks.
  • A mini tarot check in at the end of 8 weeks.
  • Candle rituals for healing and manifestation.
  • Embodied meditation class.

  • What it won't include:

  • Crystals- (for online participants, you'll have to get them by yourself. For in person Clients, mrp and crystals programming to be paid by you).
  • 7 chakra healing crystal set for Reiki healing (optional)
  • about01

    12 Weeks

    12 week long course with once a week video/phone call, working with the law of attraction, energy healing techniques, and other techniques to enhance and live your best life

    What it includes:

  • In-depth tarot reading at the beginning of the program.
  • Aura reading session at the beginning of your healing journey-1 nos.
  • Aura cleansing for 20 minutes- 2 nos.
  • Angelic Reiki healing for all 7 chakras for 50 minutes- 2 nos.
  • Chakra opening in case there are blocks.
  • Guidance for inner child healing, shadow work, healing self-love, self-care,self-esteem, with crystals, meditation, journaling and affirmations.
  • Shamanic journey to find your spirit animal/guide.
  • Once a week video/phone call at a pre-determined time for 60 minutes to review your healing journey.
  • An in-depth tarot and aura reading at the end of 8 weeks.
  • Candle rituals for healing and manifestation.
  • A mini tarot check-in at the end of 12 weeks.
  • Embodied meditation class.

  • What it won't include:

  • Crystals- (for online participants, you'll have to get them by yourself. For in person Clients, mrp and crystals programming to be paid by you).
  • 7 chakra healing crystal set for Reiki healing (optional)
  • How To Make An Appointment

    One to One

    Getting the necessary clarity about the current state to help you improve your game.


    Access to valuable and portable program which allow you to setup and live anywhere you want.

    On Time

    Punctuality is our top priority because it's an essential criteria to assess a program quality.

    Choose Your Package

    14 working days for delivery, post delivery discussion through call/chat.