Reiki Healing

Angelic Reiki: A Divine Healing System

Reiki, derived from "Rei" (universal life-force) and "Ki" (life-force energy), encompasses various healing practices. Among these practices, Angelic Reiki stands out as a unique and accessible system of energy healing.

Angelic Reiki is a healing modality that can be embraced by individuals seeking to harness the power of angelic energies. It is a system that involves close collaboration between practitioners and their clients, using the highest vibrational energies from the angelic realm. This form of healing offers profound benefits, bringing about healing and restoring balance to those who experience it.

In Angelic Reiki, the practitioner acts as a conduit or portal through which angelic energy flows to the recipient. This divine energy, originally drawing inspiration from two renowned Reiki traditions, URSUC and SHAMBALLA Reiki, is further enriched by powerful transmissions channeled from Archangel Metatron. The fusion of these influences makes Angelic Reiki a truly transformative and spiritually uplifting healing experience.


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